Wednesday 15 October 2008

Our Apologies

Assalamualaikum to faithful FokusKatik Photography blog readers :D

Selamat Hari Raya to you all, and maaf zahir batin in case there has been any wrongdoings from our part to you out there, whoever you may be..

in this post i, Ping, on behalf of Fokus Katik Photography offer our sincerest apologies for the lack of updates. we know you out there have been visiting this blog repeatedly and are disappointed/sad/frustrated at the lack of updates.

there could be a multitude of excuses that we could give to you just to cover ourselves, but in all honesty we have been having some technical difficulties of late, thus not enabling us to post regular updates.

we are currently working it out the best that we can. so in the meantime just email us and comments or inquiries of the services we offer, or drop us a tag at the tagboard, and please continue to offer your utmost support for us. we promise updates will be posted soon, Insya Allah.

again, we are very sorry for the lack of updates. We shall try to recitify it soon, Insya Allah.

and again, thank you everyone for your support :D


on behalf of Fokus Katik Photography,

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Fokus Katik Photography

ps. Selamat Hari Raya

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